Our Process Begins With a Conversation
We want to get to know you and your business and that starts with a no obligation conversation
Sometimes a conversation will lead to you realizing you have everything under control. Sometimes it will unearth more potential than you ever imagined. Regardless of the outcome, if a clearer understanding has developed from a simple conversation, it was worth it.
Ultimately, our goal is to create a relationship with you and every stakeholder in your business. We want you to share your passion with us. Help us understand your needs so we can develop a plan to unlock your organization's hidden value together!
More on the 360 Review
Developing a clearer picture of today's reality includes:
Taking a deep dive into the business' financials, including the P&L, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement
Developing an estimate of your business' current value
Reviewing the existing management reporting and what metrics are used to make decisions
A detailed product and margin review including go to market strategies
Review of current financial resource allocation
How do we do this?
Review and analysis of existing reports.
Detailed conversations with owners, managers and key staff.
Strategic Planning exercises.
An estimate of the business' value is determined using our own valuation models and detailed review of your financial statements.
By going through this process a clearer picture will begin to unfold as to where the hidden value lies. Initiatives will be arrived at collaboratively and an execution strategy will be put together.